Most of the articles are already free or in a preprint version. If you need a specific one, do not hesitate to contact me.

Submitted Articles and Work in Progress

  • Detection of slow slip events along the south Peru - north Chile subduction zone.
    Jara, J., Socquet, A., Jolivet, R., Comte, D. & Norabuena, E. Submitted to Seismica.
  • Episodic aseismic slip events along the Central Section of the North Anatolian Fault.
    Özdemir, A., Jara, J., Doğan, U., Jolivet, R., Çakir, Z., Ergintav, S., & Bilham, R. G. To be submitted to GRL.
  • A Bayesian Kinematic Source Model in the Frequency Domain: towards under- standing sources of high-frequency radiation.
    Jara, J. & Cotton, F. To be submitted to GJI.
  • Earthquakes and unexpected seasonal loads.
    Jara, J., Gupta, A. & Bhat, H.S. To be submitted to GRL.
  • Seismic signatures in a partially creeping fault: the Ismetpasa segment of the NAFZ.
    Becker, D., Jara, J., Martínez-Garzón, P., Çakir, Z., Jolivet, R. & Ergintav, S. To be submitted to JGR.
  • Revisiting the Liquiñe Ofqui Fault Zone seismotectonics: evidence for phantom earthquakes during the 2007 Aysén swarm with InSAR and teleseismic data.
    Delgado, F., Jara, J., Raimbault, B. & Jolivet, R. To be submitted to GJI.
  • The 2007 Aysén earthquakes in southern Chile, a seismogeodetic approach.
    Jara, J., Delgado, F., Raimbault, B., Jolivet, R. \& Vigny, C. The 2007 Aysén earthquakes in southern Chile, a seismogeodetic approach. To be submitted to GRL
  • Water vapor variability in the western South America Altiplano associated with rainfall events.
    Valenzuela, R., Jara, J. & Garreaud, R. To be submitted to JGR.
  • An expectation-maximization algorithm for estimating diffusion parameters using incomplete observations. Contador, G., Quiñiñao, C., Valenzuela, R. & Jara, J. To be submitted to Advances Applied Probability.


17. Daily to centennial behavior of aseismic slip along the central section of the North Anatolian Fault
Jolivet, R., Jara, J., Dalaison, M., Rouet-Leduc, B., Özdemir, A., Doğan, U., Çakir, Z. & Ergintav, S. JGR. 2023, 128(7), 1-35. doi:10.1029/2022JB026018. PDF

16. The 2022 Mw 6.0 Gölyaka-Düzce earthquake: an example of a medium-sized earthquake in a fault zone early in its seismic cycle
Martínez-Garzón, P., Becker, D., Jara, J., Chen, X., Kwiatek, G., & Bohnhoff, M. Solid Earth. 2023, 14(10), 1103–1121. doi:10.5194/se-14-1103-2023. PDF

15. Update of the Seismogenic Potential of the Upper Rhine Graben Southern Region
Michel, S., Duverger, C., Bollinger, L., Jara, J. & Jolivet, R. NHESS. 2023, 24, 163–177. doi:10.5194/nhess-24-163-2024. PDF

14. Seismogenic potential of northern Chile subduction zone
Michel, S., Jolivet, R., Jara, J. & Rollins, C. BSSA. 2023, 113(3), 1013-1024. doi:10.1785/0120220142. PDF

13. Observation of a Synchronicity between Shallow and Deep Seismic Activities during the Foreshock Crisis Preceding the Iquique Megathrust Earthquake
Bouchon, M., Guillot, S., Marsan, D., Socquet, A., Jara, J., & Renard, F. Seismica. 2023, 2(2). doi:10.26443/seismica.v2i2.849. PDF

12. Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in the coseismic off-fault damage zone
Jara, J., Bruhat, L., Thomas, M. Y., Antoine, S. L., Okubo, K., Rougier, E., Rosakis, A. J., Sammis, C. G., Klinger, Y., Jolivet, R., & Bhat, H. S. PRSA. 2021, 477(2255). doi:10.1098/rspa.2021.0364. PDF

11. Seismogenic Potential of the Main Himalayan Thrust Constrained by Coupling Segmentation and Earthquake Scaling
Michel, S., Jolivet, R., Rollins, C., Jara, J., & Dal Zilio, L. GRL. 2021, 521, 46-59. doi:10.1029/2021GL093106. PDF

10. Seismic and Aseismic Fault Slip During the Initiation Phase of the 2017 Mw = 6.9 Valparaíso Earthquake.
Caballero, E., Chounet, A., Duputel, Z., Jara, J., Twardzik, C., & Jolivet, R. GRL, 2021, 48(6), 1–11. doi:10.1029/2020GL091916. PDF

9. Inferring Interseismic Coupling Along the Lesser Antilles Arc: A Bayesian Approach
van Rijsingen, E. M., Calais, E., Jolivet, R., de Chabalier, J. ‐B., Jara, J., Symithe, S., Robertson, R., & Ryan, G. A. JGR: Solid Earth. 2021, 126(2), 1–21. doi:10.1029/2020JB020677. PDF

8. Rain and small earthquakes maintain a slow-moving landslide in a persistent critical state
Bontemps, N., Lacroix, P., Larose, E., Jara, J., & Taipe, E. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11(1), 1–10. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14445-3. PDF

7. Kinematic study of Iquique 2014 M 8.1 earthquake: Understanding the segmentation of the seismogenic zone
Jara, J., Sánchez-Reyes, H., Socquet, A., Cotton, F., Virieux, J., Maksymowicz, A., Díaz-Mojica, J., Walpersdorf, A., Ruiz, J., Cotte, N., & Norabuena, E. EPSL. 2018, 503, 131–143. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.09.025. PDF

6. Suspected Deep Interaction and Triggering Between Giant Earthquakes in the Chilean Subduction Zone
Bouchon, M., Marsan, D., Jara, J., Socquet, A., Campillo, M., & Perfettini, H. GRL. 2018, 45(11), 5454–5460. doi:10.1029/2018GL078350. PDF

5. Revisiting Slow Slip Events Occurrence in Boso Peninsula, Japan, Combining GPS Data and Repeating Earthquakes Analysis
Gardonio, B., Marsan, D., Socquet, A., Bouchon, M., Jara, J., Sun, Q., Cotte, N., & Campillo, M. JGR: Solid Earth. 2018, 123(2), 1502–1515. doi:10.1002/2017JB014469. PDF

4. Long-Term Interactions Between Intermediate Depth and Shallow Seismicity in North Chile Subduction Zone.
Jara, J., Socquet, A., Marsan, D., & Bouchon, M. GRL. 2017, 44(18), 9283–9292. doi:10.1002/2017GL075029. PDF

3. An 8 month slow slip event triggers progressive nucleation of the 2014 Chile megathrust
Socquet, A., Valdes, J. P., Jara, J., Cotton, F., Walpersdorf, A., Cotte, N., Specht, S., Ortega-Culaciati, F., Carrizo, D., & Norabuena, E. GRL, 2017 44(9), 4046–4053. doi:10.1002/2017GL073023. PDF

2. Sediment loading at the southern Chilean trench and its tectonic implications.
Contreras-Reyes, E., Jara, J., Maksymowicz, A., & Weinrebe, W. J. Geodyn., 2013, 66, 134–145. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2013.02.009. PDF

1. Abrupt change in the dip of the subducting plate beneath north Chile.
Contreras-Reyes, E., Jara, J., Grevemeyer, I., Ruiz, S., & Carrizo, D. Nat. Geosci.. 2012, 5(5), 342–345. PDF