2024: 39th ESC General Assembly. Co-Convener. Session: “Session 25, Preparatory processes of earthquakes, from laboratory experiments to large earthquakes”. URL
2024: EGU General Assembly. Convener. Session: “TS1.6/EMRP1/SM4 Seismic and aseismic deformation on seismogenic faults: from earthquake nucleation to seismic cycle”. URL
2023: V Colloquium on Geophysical Signatures of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Convener. May 2023. Santiago, Chile. URL
2023: Workshop “Earthquakes: from observations to dynamic rupture simulations”. Convener. May 2023. Santiago, Chile. URL
2023: EGU General Assembly. Co-Convener. Session: “TS3.9/EMRP1.12/SM4.6 Seismic and aseismic deformation on seismogenic faults”. URL
2023: Talk: “Lessons of Turkish earthquakes and their relationship with Chile”. Rocadictos, radio programme, University of Chile. In Spanish. URL
2021: Talk: Earthquakes cannot be predicted (yet)!!!!. Podcast Ta’ Tamblando. In Spanish. URL
2020: Talk “Earthquake nucleation phase and its prediction, mythe or reality? Geocharlas T3. In Spanish URL
2020: Talk “What is the earthquake nucleation phase?”. Rocadictos, radio programme, University of Chile. In Spanish. URL