About me

Welcome to my research webpage!

I am a geophysicist using seismogeodesy to understand the Earth's deformation and earthquakes. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the GFZ Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics team, in Potsdam, Germany.

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding Earth's deformation at different spatio-temporal scales and its relationship to earthquakes. I am fascinated by how Space Geodesy (especially GNSS) and Seismology can be combined to understand better why and where earthquakes (will) occur. I tackle such exciting problems along the Chilean subduction zone, and the North Anatolian Fault.

(Left) GNSS station at the Chungara Lake, Northern Chile in 2014. (Right) Me, with one foot on the North Anatolian fault in Ismetpasa, Turkey in 2019.


  • February 2024: Our session in the interplay between seismic and aseismic deformation on seismogenic faults has been accepted for the 2024 EGU General Assembly. See you in Vienna in April!

  • January 2024: Our session in the next ESC General Assembly has been accepted. Call for abstract is still open!. See you in Corfu in September!